This is a quick tutorial on how to log messages coming from your Arduino into your OSX box and save them in a file. I found this while debugging an Arduino//Ethernet project that had verbose server response that I needed to save. I passed Serial.print() and Serial.println() messages from Arduino into a terminal screen and recorded them into a text file with script. (The sequence for exiting script and leaving you with a readable file is important so read to bottom).
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Logging Serial Communication to a Text File (Arduino and OSX)
Processing – MIDI — GarageBand
Processing can be used as a MIDI controller with Garage Band — this brief tutorial will get you started. There are limitations to this system — but it is enough to do some simple sound experiments. This is a basic introduction only.
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Mac OSX, CCV and playstation Eye
Some quick notes on setting up a playstation eye web-cam on OSX.
I have been testing external web cameras for use in interactive installations and multitouch contexts. I have an external i-sight– which is great but has been dropped enough times to be a little sketchy. I recently acquired a playstation eye. The former is firewire, the latter is USB2. i-sight is plug and play in OSX — but to get the playstation camera running you will need to download a driver — I am using macam — the standard for OSX USB camera support.
Macam is a free USB driver for OSX — latest version supports playstation eye. Macam has a standalone app that will let you see the image, record stills and video.
If you wish to use the camera with CCV (community core vision — AKA t-beta) then you may need to manually add the macam component to your library. IT must go in root — /Library/quicktime/ . Delete old versions of the component if you are upgrading. Restart CCV and the image from the camera should appear in the CCV preview windows.